Activities of the department

Activities of the department


The strategic direction of the medical department of the TNMU named after I.Ya. Gorbachevskii is to bring the performance of therapeutic and preventive work by professors and teaching staff of clinical departments to European and international levels and standards.

 The tasks of the medical department are:

- implementation of state programs on medical and preventive work;

- control over the implementation of the decisions of the board of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, preparation of materials at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine;

- coordination of activities between the rectorate of the university and the Department of Health Protection of the Ternopil Regional State Administration and the Department of Health Protection and Medical Support of the Ternopil City Council;

- cooperation with regional, city and district health care institutions;

- coordination of activities between the rectorate and chief doctors of medical institutions of the city and region;

- establishment and maintenance of relations with educational institutions, research and other institutions, organizations, enterprises, including foreign countries, with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of the university's work in the field of medical and preventive work;

- active implementation of advanced scientific technologies and developments in the treatment and prevention process;

- attestation of the teaching staff of clinical departments for the medical qualification category;

- carrying out personal professional development or retraining of teaching staff;

- active use of means for improving management, strengthening contractual, labor discipline, and the university's financial position in matters of medical work;

- carrying out regular control and evaluation of the therapeutic work of professors and teaching staff of clinical departments;

- analysis and resolution of conflict situations (if they arise) between the administration of hospitals and the management of clinical departments of the medical university;

- organization and control of the provision of consultative and medical assistance to students and employees by university specialists on a budgetary and self-supporting basis.

- organizing and conducting preventive examinations of students and employees of TNMU;

- organization of work and creation of new educational and practical centers of primary health care in rural areas of Ternopil region;

- organization and vaccination of university employees against COVID-19;

- organization of the work of visiting special advisory and diagnostic teams from the number of professors and teaching staff to the district centers of the region and the city;

- laboratory-instrumental examination of patients with COVID-19;

- conducting consultative reviews and consultations in foster homes for children, people with disabilities, and charitable organizations;

- creation of thematic videos and conducting topical interviews with leading scientists-clinicians of the university.